Опубликовано на 25 сентября 2019

Using Confocal Microscopy to Estimate the Distribution of Natural Antioxidants in Poultry Meal and Extruded Kibbles

With the increasing demand for natural ingredients from the pet food market, new sources of natural antioxidants have been identified. However, many of them have low solubility in the traditional oil-based delivery systems. In this study, new natural antioxidants delivery systems were developed and their distribution in poultry meal and extruded kibbles was studied using confocal microscopy.

Confocal images highlighted that an emulsion carrier improves the distribution of hydrophilic antioxidants in poultry meal. Shelf life study shows that it slows down the decomposition of some lipophilic antioxidants even though the oil carrier allows the best oxidative stability in poultry meal. 

In extruded kibbles, confocal images showed that hydrophilic compounds distribute better when added into premix before extrusion, while lipophilic compounds distribute well no matter when they are added.

Confocal microscopy is a great tool to evaluate the effect of new delivery systems on antioxidants’ distribution. Results presented in this paper may help renderers and pet food manufacturers to understand the distribution, migration, and performance of natural antioxidants in poultry meal and extruded kibbles. However, beside their distribution in kibbles, the overall performance of the antioxidants according to the carrier used needs to be further evaluated through a comprehensive oxidative stability study.


European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology - March 2019

Liyun Ye1, Alessandra Pham-Mondala2, Jian Li2, Poulson Joseph2, Roger Nahasand Francoise Michel-Salaun1

1 Diana Pet Food, Elven, France

2 Kalsec Inc, Kalamazoo, USA


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